Join NanoNC, which together creates the future of nanofibers.

Technology Recognized by Researchers Around the World, Customized Solutions for You.

NanoNC eS-robot

ESR200 series

ESR100 series

RTR machine series

ESR200 series
ESR100 series
RTR machine series
Concentric Nozzle
Air-Jet Blowing Nozzle

Our Services

Research, development support

With 20 years of extensive experience, we have provided various services to our customers. We can recognize various problems arising from the R&D process and provide effective solutions for them. Through this, we are helping our customers get the results they want quickly and accurately. Based on our experience and expertise, we will provide the best service that meets your needs.

Product Customization

We can supply optimal products for researchers to get their own results. We understand your research objectives and provide customized solutions accordingly. Our equipment provides the various components and functions needed for your research, ensuring the best performance and accuracy. Join us for your research success.

Manufacturing process

Our solutions improve the efficiency and quality of the production process by applying the technologies and methods proven in the study to the manufacturing environment. We provide expertise and experience to reflect your research results in actual manufacturing. Together, you can apply the results from your research to the manufacturing process and benefit from various benefits such as cost reduction, productivity improvement, and product quality improvement. Join us for your success.

Major Client